About .."the team"
Our Aim:
One of many MSSA initiatives to addresses social and medical issues any medical student may encounter in their school or during their training in the different hospitals.
Dr.Evaluator team will provide weakly questions provided by the MSQ OMZ user on the MSSA FB Page or monthly mok exams in this page for all MSSA members, participate in the questions discussions, and provide the correct answers, aiming to add new and interactive pathway that help our medical students to increase their evidence-based medical knowledge.
Feel like you are up to an MCQ Challenge?
Join us for a weekly or Monlthy medical MCQs challenges.
For our weekly MCQs, visit Our FB Group every Thursday at 6pm - 7pm KSA time.
For our Monthly MCQs, visit this page every 10 from each Gregorian month at 6pm - 7pm KSA time.
You never know, you might be our next famous winner!!